PHOTODUST - Tim Allen: Construct
Construct is a series of detailed, aerial landscape photographs captured above the industrial environments that circle the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.
This series operates like an elevated screen shot of the repetition, pattern, form, structure and detailed organisation and automisation of these different industrial landscapes.
Peering from above, there is always something to see, learn and understand. This elevated perspective of industry presents a frozen moment of aesthetic contemplation of the structures embedded in industry and the tension that occurs as technological and industrial development further defines suburban landscapes.
Construct is a series that allowed me to critically engage with the space that big business and corporations occupy and how that space is used for their – and indeed our – perpetual needs.
Through this series I want the viewer to connect with the aesthetic implications of industry, its relationship to our desires, and the industrial, environmental and human effort that sustains these desires.
It is a silent yet consistent method of organisation that makes business more efficient.
The most daunting prospect of a large-scale project is logistical harmony. This begins with turning the earth upside down.
The invisible foundation required to build a new town or suburb is overwhelmed by the physical foundations that pave our human and social growth.
Do buyers care about what the landscape looks like after they have purchased a new dining table from Ikea?
The routine of a machine’s life is guided by mapping, GPS coordinates and maintenance.
How much longer will driving be considered a job? If driverless cars are already amongst us, why should we fight it?
We strive to be perfect in an imperfect world.
If industry is to be completely automised, what jobs will there be in the future? Maybe unemployment will enable people to become more involved in their own creativity, family lives and a better, more stable life. That is not so automised.
Uniformity holds these homeless cars together as I gaze from the seat of a helicopter, bolting through the atmosphere.
It has been proven by other countries that it is possible to run an entire rail network powered with wind energy. Australia has some of the highest coastal winds in the southern hemisphere. There is clearly something that can be achieved with such a vast stand-alone continent.